Know Your Customer Policy

Know Your Customer Policy (abbreviated KYC) – is a term of banking andexchange regulation for financial institutions and other companies workingwith money individuals; meaning that they must identify the counterparty,suitability and risks involved with maintaining a business relationship beforeconducting a financial transaction.

KYC policies have become increasingly important worldwide lately,especially among banks and other financial institutions, in order to preventidentity theft, money laundering, financial fraud and terrorist activity.

The objective of KYC guidelines is to prevent businesses from being usedby criminal elements for money laundering. This helps them manage theirrisks in a well-judged manner.

In order to verify the identity of the client, we ask to provide certaindocuments, in accordance with the international KYC policy.

The verification procedure is very simple and straightforward.

The client must provide several documents to complete the trading accountverification procedure:

1. Identity document

You can provide an identity document issued by a state authority: a.

passport (full first page);

b. driver’s license (both sides);

c. temporary residence permit (both sides).

Please note that a driver’s license can be taken as proof of identity only if itis a plastic card, and all information in it contains only Latin transliteration.

2. Credit/Debit Card

A copy of the credit or debit card that was used to deposit funds. Copies ofthe card are made from the front and back. The first 12 digits on the frontside and the CVV code on the back of the card must be covered; the signature strip, on which the client’s signature stands, the cardholder’sname and the last 4 digits of the card must be clearly visible.

3. Proof of residence

A document confirming the address of the actual location of the client or thebilling address, such as bank statements or utility bills issued in the countryof permanent residence, the issuance of which does not exceed 3 monthsfrom the date of deposit.

a. Utility bill;

b. Electricity bill;

c. Statement from the bank; d. Tax return;

If you do not have documents from this list that contain Latin transliteration,you can provide the following: confirmation from your place of work / studywith your name, address and employment / study details with an officialsignature and stamp.

Please make sure the documents you provide meet the followingrequirements:

a. Documents must be valid, their term of issue should not exceed threemonths; b. A document confirming the place of residence must contain yourfull name and address;

c. The document confirming the place of residence must be provided in theform of a photograph or scan-copy of the original document;

d. Documents must contain only Latin characters;

e. The document confirming the place of residence must contain the date ofissue.

4. Declaration of deposit

The deposit declaration confirms that the customer made a deposit of hisown free will and that the card was used for the transaction belongs

personally to the customer. (The client receives this document immediatelyafter the trading account activation).

Please note that regulatory requirements differ in certain countries and wemay need to request additional documentation.

Make sure your photos or scanned copies of documents meet the followingrequirements:

a. Scanned copies of documents must have high resolution and be in color,black and white, watermarked, etc. are not accepted;

b. The following image formats are allowed: JPG, GIF, PNG, TIFF or PDF;

c. File size should not exceed 10 MB;

d. Documents must contain Latin characters or have Latin transliteration;

e. Background. The edges of the documents must be clearly visible on acontrasting background;

f. In case of poor quality of the submitted documents, the Verification

Department may ask you to submit the documents once again.

The verification procedure usually does not take much time. However, insome cases it may take up to 24 hours. Our Verification department will doeverything possible to review and accept the information provided by youas soon as possible.

We hold the security of documentation at highest priority and treats alldocuments it receives with utmost respect and confidentiality. All files weobtain are fully protected using the highest level possible of encryption atevery step of the review process.

In case of any difficulties, please contact our customer support.