Anti-money laundering Policy

Anti-money laundering Policy

Company have policies in place to deter people from laundering money.These policies include:

1. Ensuring clients have valid proof of identification maintaining records ofidentification information;

2. Determining that clients are not known or suspected terrorists bychecking their names against lists of known or suspected terrorists;

3. Informing clients that the information they provide may be used to verifytheir identity;

4. Closely following clients’ money transactions. Not accepting cash, moneyorders, third party transactions, exchange houses transfer or Western

Union transfers.

What is Money Laundering?

Money laundering is the act of hiding money obtained illegally, so thesource appears legitimate. We adhere to strict laws rendering it illegal forus or any of our employees or agents to knowingly engage in or attempt toengage in any activities remotely related to money laundering. Our

anti-money laundering policies increase investor protection and clientsecurity services, as well as offer safe payment processes.

Money Laundering usually follows three stages:

1. Firstly, cash or cash equivalents are placed into the financial system;

2. Secondly, money is transferred or moved to other accounts (e.g. futuresaccounts) through a series of financial transactions designed to obscurethe origin of the money (e.g. executing trades with little or no financial riskor transferring account balances to other accounts);

3. And finally, the funds are re-introduced into the economy so that the

funds appear to have come from legitimate sources (e.g. closing a futuresaccount and transferring the funds to a bank account).

Trading accounts are one vehicle that can be used to launder illicit funds orto hide the true owner of the funds. In particular, a trading account can beused to execute financial transactions that help obscure the origins of thefunds.

We directs funds withdrawals back to the original source of remittance, as apreventative measure.

International Anti-Money Laundering requires financial services institutionsto be aware of potential money laundering abuses that could occur in acustomer

account and implement a compliance program to deter, detect and reportpotential suspicious activity.

These guidelines have been implemented to protect our clients. What isanti-money laundering policy?

Anti-money laundering (AML) is a term mainly used in the financial andlegal industries to describe the legal controls that require financialinstitutions and other regulated entities to prevent, detect, and reportmoney laundering activities.

We treats money laundering as an illegal activity and stands at the forefrontof fighting against any criminal activity. We always keep in touch withresponsible industry authorities and keep a track of what goes down

around, especially when it comes to our account holders.Identification

The first safeguard against money laundering is sophisticated

Know-Your-Client (KYC) verification. To ensure compliance with standardAML regulations, we require the customer to submit the followingdocumentation:

1. Proof of Identification: a clear copy of the front and back of thegovernment- issued ID, i.e. a valid passport or driver’s license.

2. Proof of Residence: an official document issued within the last 3 months,clearly stating the name and address. This can be a utility bill (i.e. water,electric, or landline), or bank statement.

3. Copy of the front and back of the bank card used for the transaction: toensure the privacy and security, only the last 4 digits of the card must bevisible. The client can also cover the CVV code.

4. The Declaration of Deposit.

Please note that regulatory requirements differ in certain countries and wemay need to request additional documentation.


We do not accept third-party payments. All deposits must be made in yourown name and match the KYC documents submitted. Due to AMLregulatory policies, all funds withdrawn must be returned to the exactsource from which they were received. This means that funds originallydeposited via bank transfer will be returned to the same account when awithdrawal request is made. Equally, if you deposited via credit card, yourfunds will be returned to the same credit card when a withdrawal request ismade.

We do not, under any circumstances, accept cash deposits or disbursecash when withdrawal requests are made.


AML regulation requires us to monitor and track suspicious transactionsand report such activities to the relevant law enforcement agencies. Wealso reserve the right to deny a transfer at any stage if we believe thetransfer may be connected in any manner to criminal activity or moneylaundering. The law prohibits us from informing customers about reportssubmitted to law enforcement agencies concerning suspicious activity.

Please contact us with any questions, comments or for clarification.