Refund and Return Policy
The present rules determine the return of funds procedures and conditionsapply to any outgoing transaction for the purpose of returning monetaryfunds to the client’s trading account.
A return and refund policy outlines how, when, and under what conditions the Client can return the funds.
The purpose of this policy is a prevention of conflicts between the Clientand the Company, as well as reduction of risks related to AML, observanceof the principles of the Policy of counteraction of money-laundering andcountering of financing of terrorist activity.
The Company has the right to block an access to the private tradingaccount, to suspend the trading activity, to cancel the demand for input-output transactions, or to make return of funds if the source of the followingfunds or activity of the Client contradicts the AML policy or financingterrorism activities.
The Company doesn’t cancel the processed transactions therefore theCompany has the right to return money to the Client if no trading activitywas recorded within a month since account replenishment.
The Company has the right at certain objective reasons and in case ofneed to make return of funds, received through any payment system,including credit/debit cards. Thus, return of funds will be executed viacrypto wallets or wire transfers that the customer used.
In case the Company classifies the Client’s activity as inappropriate one,indirect, illegal, unfair or it contradicts the Terms of Use, the Company hasthe right to take actions without informing the Client beforehand.
The company will take all necessary measures to prevent andblock both input, and withdrawal of funds by third parties. Input andoutput of funds from the account can be carried out only by the accountholder itself.
According to generally acceptable AML rules and regulations, the returnmust be performed only through the same bank account or Credit / Debitcard that the customer used to deposit the funds.
Without derogating the foregoing, we may execute withdrawals to adifferent facility than the one used for the deposit, in accordance with AntiMoney Laundering regulations.
All compliance documentation must have been received and approved bythe compliance officer in order to proceed the withdrawal.
Beneficiary Name must match the name of the trading account. Requeststo transfer funds to third party will not be processed. Repayment of anyfunds via wire transfer by the Company to the Client will be in the samecurrency and to the same account/credit card from which the funds wereoriginally transferred, unless the Company has decided, by its owndiscretion, to return the funds to a different account of the Client.
The Client will have no claim against the Company and will not hold theCompany responsible for any delay and/or differences originating from acredit company’s, banks or other financial institutions rates calculationand/or commission and/or any other debit.
In the case the Client gives an instruction to withdraw funds from theTrading Account, financial department supervises every withdrawal requestsubmitted. Identification documents must be submitted to process anywithdrawal.
The company does not take any responsibility for any delays ofwithdrawals, due to third party (banks, credit card companies or otherservice providers) policies, nor any force major events that are not underthe company’s control.
The time it takes for the money to reach your or Credit / Debit card or bank account that has been used to deposit funds may vary (usually up to five business days). Note that it might take longer for withdrawals tobank accounts due to the additional security procedures in force.
Funds are released to your Credit / Debit card account once your Credit /Debit card merchant has debited the funds from our account. This processmay take up to 5 business days or more to reflect on your Credit / Debitcard account balance. If you do not have online access to your Credit /Debit card, it should appear on the next billing statement(s) depending onyour card’s billing cycle.
If the receiving bank uses an intermediary bank to send/receive funds, youmay incur additional fees charged by the intermediary bank. These chargesare usually placed for transmitting the wire for your bank. We are not involved with and nor has any control over these additional fees. Please comply with your financial institution for more information.
Amount of withdrawal per Credit / Debit card is only allowable to an equal amount of money deposited per Credit / Debit card or less. Greateramounts must be wire-transferred to a bank account. Please contact uswith any questions, comments or for clarification